Gerar imagens impressionantes de IA com Latenode: um guia passo a passo


Welcome to our AI image generation workflow guide. In this article, you’ll learn how to create stunning images by harnessing the capabilities of various AI models. It’s a simple process but one that can yield incredible results.

Setting the Initial Prompt

First, we start with our initial prompt. For this example, we're imagining a lady in red, styled after the works of Claude Monet. This initial step is akin to sketching an outline; it lays the groundwork for the masterpiece we’re about to create.

Elevating the Prompt with Claude 3.5

Why stop at just a simple prompt? Enter Claude 3.5, our AI assistant who acts like a creative director. Claude enriches our initial prompt with vivid details and artistic nuances, transforming it into a more captivating vision. This step is pivotal, enriching the input to maximize the quality of the final image.

Exploring Different AI Models

Now comes the thrilling part—testing the enhanced prompt across four distinct AI image generation models. Each model offers its own strengths and special features:

Prompt Taro Open Journey

This model excels in producing vibrant, dreamlike images. Perfect for creating scenes that look straight out of a fantasy.

Expu Deliberate

Known for its attention to detail and realism, Expu Deliberate is ideal for generating lifelike images. Its outputs are rich in detail, making them well-suited for realistic portrayals.

Do E3

Do E3 stands out for its ability to interpret complex concepts and scenes. It translates intricate ideas into visually compelling images.

Stable Diffusion 3.0

The latest in its series, Stable Diffusion 3.0 offers cutting-edge image quality. It’s advanced and precise, ideal for high-resolution outputs.

Running the Scenario

With our enhanced prompt and chosen models, we set the scenario into motion. What sets this workflow apart is the ability to see multiple interpretations of the same prompt. It’s like commissioning four different artists to paint the same scene. This approach allows us to explore a diverse range of artistic renditions.

Who Benefits from This Workflow?

This multimodel method is perfect for creative professionals, art enthusiasts, or anyone looking to visualize their ideas in various styles. Whether you're brainstorming for a project, generating content for social media, or simply exploring your creativity, this workflow offers a plethora of options to achieve your visual goals.


By leveraging multiple AI models, we can create an array of visually stunning images from a single prompt. This variety provides a richer creative palette to choose from. So go ahead, experiment with these models, and let your imagination run wild. Happy automating!

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