Especialista em No-code, Latenode Embaixador
December 31, 2023
Uma plataforma de baixo código que combina simplicidade sem código com potência de código completo 🚀 Você pode usar a plataforma de baixo código para obter mais informações.
Comece a usar gratuitamente
December 31, 2023
leitura mínima

Ano novo, novas ambições! Você vai arrasar com Latenode!

Especialista em No-code, Latenode Embaixador
Tabela de conteúdo

Thanks for Staying with Latenode!

Hello, Latenode Fam! 🤖

As we approach the end of 2023, it's a good time to reflect on a year filled with noteworthy developments. Though we are at the early stages of our journey, we are proud to have united over 800 individuals who share a passion for automation. This marks the beginning of a thriving and friendly community. We sincerely appreciate your active engagement and contributions to Latenode!

Each of you has become an important part of the development of Latenode! 💪

But this is just the beginning

The upcoming year promises significant enhancements to our functionalities, the launch of an affiliate program, and some surprises that are sure to delight you. Here is some of our plans:

👉 By the way, today is your last chance to grab our Limited Lifetime Deal at a Pleasant 20% Discount with coupone LATENODENEWYEAR24.

Pay once – use forever; and never think about automation tools again!

We are sincerely grateful that you're with us and wish you success in the new working year!

See you in the New Year!

Latenode team

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