Como criar um chatbot do Slack usando IA: um guia passo a passo


Welcome to our in-depth guide on building a Slack chatbot using AI. This tutorial walks you through the process, from initial setup to deployment. By the end, you'll have a fully functional Slackbot that can interact with users intelligently.

Setting Up Your Slackbot

Step 1: Create a Blank Scenario

Start by creating a new, blank scenario. This will be the foundation of your Slackbot project. Here's how:

  1. Open your development environment and create a new scenario.
  2. Ensure that this scenario will be responsible for receiving and responding to messages.
  3. Prepare to set up interaction with Slack.

Step 2: Set Up Slack API

Navigate to the Slack API and follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Create a new app from scratch and give it a name. For instance, name it 'Navi' if you're a fan of Zelda.
  3. Configure your app by enabling the bot functionality.

Step 3: Configure Bot Scopes

Your bot will require specific permissions, known as scopes. Add the following scopes to allow your bot to read and write messages, among other capabilities:

  • app_mentions:read
  • channels:history
  • reactions:read
  • files:read
  • files:write
  • chat:write

Install your app to your Slack workspace and note down the OAuth token.

Step 4: Set Up Environment Variables

Save the OAuth token as a global variable in your development environment for easy access later:


Building Interaction Logic

Step 1: Webhook Setup

Set up a webhook URL to receive events from Slack. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Event Subscriptions section in your Slack app settings.
  2. Enable events and add your webhook URL as the Request URL.
  3. Set up event subscriptions for `app_mention` and other desired events.

Step 2: Handling Verification

When Slack sends a verification challenge, your webhook needs to respond to it. Configure your webhook to respond with the challenge token to complete the verification process.

Step 3: Filter Events

Implement filtering to ensure only relevant events, such as `app_mention`, trigger further actions:

if(event.type === 'app_mention') {
    // Respond to mentions

Step 4: Responding to Messages

Set up HTTP requests to fetch conversation history and add reactions to messages. Use Slack's API to get full thread context:


Format the messages to match ChatGPT's API requirements:

    role: 'user',
    content: 'Hello!'
    role: 'assistant',
    content: 'Hi there!'

Integrating AI

Step 1: Set Up ChatGPT

Prepare your system message and format conversation history. Connect to the ChatGPT API and send the formatted thread data:


Include your API key and send the conversation history as a JSON object.

Step 2: Process AI Response

Parse the AI's response and prepare it for Slack. Handle any necessary formatting or mention tagging before sending it back to Slack:


Enhancing Your Bot

Step 1: Adding Emojis

Upload custom emojis to Slack and use them in your responses for added flair. Set up blocks to create more interactive and visually appealing messages.

Step 2: Adding Shortcuts and Commands

Enable interactivity and shortcuts in your Slack app to provide additional functionality:

  • Add slash commands for specific actions like generating images or setting reminders.
  • Add shortcuts to execute specific workflows with a right-click.


By following these steps, you can build a Slack chatbot using AI to enhance your work or community environment. Customize it further to fit your specific needs.

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